bodycontact telah menulis “Seorang wanita sedang bekerja di sebuah pejabat pos di California. Beliau tidak menggunakan span untuk perekat sampul suratnya tapi sebaliknya menjilat pelekat sampul surat yang dipegangnya.Pada hari yang sama juga wanita itu mendapati terdapat satu luka kecil pada lidahnya.
Luka itu membengkak. Wanita tersebut terus pergi berjumpa doktor untuk mendapatkan rawatan kerana risau akan lukanya. Tetapi setelah diperiksa oleh doktor tiada apa yang tidak kena dengan lidahbeliau dan doktor menganggap bahawa ia hanya lah luka kecil dan bengkak biasa.
Wanita itu tidak merasakan sakit atau kebas walaupun lidahnya bengkak.Tetapi setelah hari berganti hari. Bengakpada lidah wanita tersebut semakin membesar.Dengan rasa yang tidak puas hati beliau terus berjumpa doktor kembali dan memaksa doktorberbuat sesuatu pada lidahnya.
Doktor tersebut terus mengarahkan wanita itumenjalani ujian x-ray. Keputusannya doktor tersebut mendapati terdapat satu benjolan pada lidah wanita itu. lantas doktor menasihatkan agar wanita itu menjalankanpembedahan kecil pada lidahnyauntuk memastikan punca benjol pada lidah wanita tersebut.
Tetapi apa yang berlaku ialah sebaik sahaja doktor memotong bahagian yang benjol tersebut, seekor lipas keluar daripada lidah wanita itu Kesimpulannya terdapat telur lipas padapelekat sampul suratyang dijilatnya.Telur itu mampu menetas didalam lidah dan kelembapan didalam mulutnya.
Ini adalah kisah benar yang ditulis di dalam berita CNN.
Andy Humes menulis:
“Saya pernah bekerja di dalam kilang membuat sampul surat.”
“Anda tentu tidak percaya jika saya mengatakan didalam tangki pelekat untuk diletakkan pada penutup sampul surat terdapat beraneka benda yang terapung di permukaan “tray” gam tersebut!”
“Sayasudah bertahun tidak mengamalkan perbuatan menjilat perekat sampul surat sebaliknya saya menggunakan span basah.”
“Saya juga pernah bekerja di sebuah syarikat percetakan. Majikan tidak
membenarkan pekerjanya menjilat sampul surat. Saya tidak pernah faham mengapa.
“Satu hari apabila saya menarik satu palet sampul surat sebanyak 2500 kotak. Di belakangnya terdapat banyak sekali lipas dan telur lipas di suatu sudut pada kotak kertas. Saya melihat beberapa ekor lipas sedang menikmati gam pada sampul-sampul surat tersebut!”"
Sumber: DISINI
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Selasa, 23 Februari 2010
Akibat menjilat pelekat surat
Rabu, 17 Februari 2010
Kisah Zinnirah...
Ahad, 14 Februari 2010
kenapalah mesti EGO???
Assalamualaikum w.b.t…
Salam untuk semua…
entry kali nie, berlainan skit. asyik duk 'pinjm' entry org je, boring gk.. huhu. ntah nape tetiba je timbul persoalan nie... kenapalah mesti EGO???
Fikirkanlah.. tak kan lah kerana dengan sedikit kelebihan tu, kita dan mula lupa diri. EGO… EGO dengan makluk lain. Peliknya EGO dengan makluk yang sejenis dengan kita sendiri plak tu.. Kita semua ni di jadikan dari tanah dan akan kembali ke tanah juga, mereka yang lain pun begitu juga. Sama dan tiada beza… tak de ape pun yang boleh kita banggakan…
Sampai bila la jugak kita boleh menjadi penghuni setia bumi ni? Sampai bila… akhirnya di tanah juga tempat kita… tak tau la kot kot ada yang boleh tongkat langit… or, boleh halang malaikat maut untuk cabut nyawa nya… klu boleh buat cm2, boleh la nak EGO dengan manusia lain. Tapi rasanya tak tercapai dek akal klu nak fikir logiknya…
Ada sesetengah orang cakap, “kita ni bukan maksum”… betul kata-kata tu, tapi cubala fikir, sebab pe ALLAH utusan kan nabi??? Sebab pe… klu bukan nak tunjuk contoh teladan yang baik kat kita… dah terang lagi bersuluh dah.. seperti di jelaskan dalam sepotong hadith nabi… “innama buith tu li utammi ma makarimal akhlak” maksudnya: “sesungguhnya aku di utuskan untuk menyempurnakan akhlak”…
So, renung-renungkanlah… ambil masa beberapa saat, cuba fikir, EGO kah kita?
p/s: entry nie sebagai peringatan untuk diri sy & kite sume … semoga apa yang baik di jadikan pedoman dan yang buruk sebagai sempadan… :)
Enjoy your self… be da best muslim/ah!!!
Isnin, 8 Februari 2010
Fighting for life in birth !!!
Fatimah was a 15-year-old, living in the Malian capital, Bamako.
Like millions of other teenage girls in Mali, she was already a wife and a mother-to-be.
And like the vast majority of young Malian women, she had neither the money, nor permission from her husband, to seek prenatal care.
She went into labour at home.
After 24 hours she was still in agony and her family finally took her to a community health centre. There they learned her pelvis was too narrow and the foetus was no longer alive.
She required a Caesarean section to remove the baby. Her family sent her by public transport to the hospital where such an operation was possible.
On the way, her uterus ruptured and she bled profusely.
'Too late'
"By the time she got here, it was too late," says Professor Amadou Dolo, chief gynaecologist at the Point G Hospital in Bamako.
'We might have saved her if we'd had her blood group on hand. Or if she'd been brought in earlier.
"Or if she'd had prenatal care that identified the complications earlier. Instead she died."
Dolo says such unnecessary deaths of mother or child - or both - are for him, a "daily occurrence" and a "shame for humanity".
Big problem
The statistics on maternal and neonatal mortality in Mali are grim.
According to Unicef figures, in a single day 1,200 women in the country fall pregnant. Of those 230 will develop complications and 20 will die.
Two hundred of the babies will not survive past four weeks.
The situation on the continent as a whole is not much better. Mali's minister of health, Traore Fatoumata Nafo, says that in the west only one woman in 1,800 dies in childbirth.
In Africa that ratio is one in 16, by far the highest in the world.
Thirteen years ago in Nairobi, Unicef launched a "Safe Motherhood Initiative" to draw attention to the "silent tragedy" and to spurn African leaders into action.
But the same tragedy persists today.
To help get this message to some of Africa's most powerful men, Unicef and health officials in West and Central Africa have enlisted the help of some of the continent's most powerful women - the first ladies of west and central Africa.
After meeting in Bamako, first ladies from Benin, Burkina Faso, Gabon, Ghana, Guinea, Mali, Nigeria and Senegal, promised to do all they can to slash maternal and neonatal death rates in the region by half in a declaration they call "Vision 2010".
"Our idea was to get the first ladies to plead the cause," says Rima Salah of Unicef. "They are important role models for African women."
But the idea of this meeting of first ladies is highly controversial.
One prominent Malian journalist says that first ladies are "completely cut off from the reality" and "not role models for anyone".
Other journalists at the Bamako meeting note that with the exception of Mrs Wade of Senegal and Mrs Kufuor of Ghana, the first ladies in attendance are spouses of presidents who have ruled for many years.
They are therefore seen as largely to blame for the problems that lead to maternal mortality - lack of education among girls and women, poverty and poor health care.
There was also some scepticism about the enormous costs of the luxury accommodation, heavy security, and the presidential honours accorded the first ladies in Bamako.
But Unicef officials defended their decision to enlist the first ladies.
Without divulging the actual cost of the meeting, deputy director of Unicef Robert Froid said it was an "investment" because these women could exert influence and bring the issue to the attention of their husbands who have the power to act.
Froid said: "Some of the first ladies were visibly shocked by what they learned here."
Professor Angela Sawyer-Kamara, head of a west African network for safer motherhood, says the problem is often not lack of resources but misplaced priorities.
She points out that to equip a community centre with facilities for safe deliveries, costs about $39,000 and can save 400 lives a year.
"To save a woman's life costs only $79," she says, "but when a woman dies, her funeral costs alone range between $500 and $1,000."
Senegal's first lady admits that the first ladies' "Vision 2010"' could be "an illusion". But she hopes rather it will be "the start of something real' to end what she calls the "scandal" and "torture" of maternal mortality in Africa.
Sources :
Rabu, 3 Februari 2010
Saidatina Khadijah sumber kekuatan Rasulullah
Isnin, 1 Februari 2010
Ketahui khasiat tumbuhan !!!
Betty Molesworth, Malaysia Nature Handbooks, Longman Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. 1981.
Mastika Bil. 680-685, Utusan Melayu Berhad,1998.
Mastika Bil. Julai-Disember, Utusan Melayu Berhad, 1996.
Wendy Huttan, Tropical Vegetables of Malaysia and Singapore, Periplus Editions, 1996.
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